“I just wanted to express my gratitude. Joining the band has been such a positive experience for my child. It's been a challenging year, with a major surgery, resulting in the need to step away from sports and physical activities. Recently, my child mentioned that despite everything, they wouldn’t change anything about their diagnosis / operation, as it led them to discover music and the band sessions. I can’t overstate how much of a boost this has given my child”
The future of music is in your hands!
Music Evermore provides children and young people with free and subsidised music tuition, workshops, 1-2-1 instrument tuition, school music classes and holiday clubs. Sessions are inclusive to all children and young people, with varying diversity to give every child and young person the opportunity to learn music, no matter what their background.
Help your local community of children and young people thrive with the gift of music!
Music tuition takes place in schools during term time as well as local venues and community hubs on evenings, weekends and school holidays which will also provide welcomed income for community and grassroots music venues.
Sessions are taught by local musicians and 1-2-1 tuition can also be provided in the form of home visits to ensure music tuition is accessible for young people with transport issues or that may struggle to leave the house.